I’m a bit off with the sketching but I still have each frame in my head, hopefully the clients will understand my rough doodles.
I can’t say that the fun is over, work was playing a tune in my head at all times, in the shower, when I caught the surfers of Portugal and during in the Baltic middleaged forests. Now I’m back, hungry to have a bite into those juicy stories and dialogues that I noted down, and of course the inspirational characters that you only can find in shade places. Which of course is visited by me on my holidays.
Oh yes its on! my friends, a pilot for a commercial, Jepser Sanneving does a eclectic mix of roles that are the original and Cliché parts in many movies, fun and work goes hand in hand in a suttle way , hopefully.
Came back from the London and stepped out in the chilli air to shoot a advert for a huge roof production company, blue skies and sharp sunlight greeted me.
Another trip down to the city of London