July 15, 2014Comments are off for this post.

We Ride together , we shoot together

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Film i skåne


Today we shot the first scene for our feature, started early and finished late, dark sceneries and funny jokes was the main theme.

Want to thank everyone for an amazing day , hard work and fun times. Looking forward for the coming scenes!

June 27, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Food Commercial

Vivien YueIMG_4932

Saddle your rig, tie your hair make sure your fast and diligent and start shooting. Today we were out shooting a commercial for a huge Supermarket brand! Soon you can take part of the finished result 🙂 Stay tuned

June 15, 2014Comments are off for this post.

A game that is played by all

Recently we got a project going, we are producing a inspirational short about a team in southern Helsingborg which promotes and helps teens and youngsters with special needs to be able to hang out, chill be sociable and most of all to be able to be part of a football team with great passion and love for the game of course. The first shoot was on a sunny sunday my great friend and producer Jesper was there to hold my hand and help me . Grateful as always I am when he comes and helps me.

VIvien Yue

May 21, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Kullados Commercial

It's here ladies and gentlemen, take a look .

May 2, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Calvados advert; Production for Kullados

Vivien Yue

Hectic couple of days. This week I filmed an advert for a an Calvados company in Sweden (Calvados is a cider brandy made out of apples). To tell the story, tradition and modernization of the process, we were up early in the morning until late evenings to capture the magnificent landscapes and apple farms of the southern part in Skåne.

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April 9, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Dance Mashup with 3 amazing dancers to the beats of The Weeknd

Vivien Yue

Elenshii from Cubcakecrew och Wanwisa & Oliver from Craycray crew.

Vivien Yue

Elenshii from Cubcakecrew och Wanwisa & Oliver from Craycray crew.


High for an Artist

Creating has always been a passion of mine wether it is music, dance, clothes, art, photography or film. Many objects, scenarios around us can evoke certain thoughts, inspiration or emotions to help us create. One can argue that art and creativeness doesn't contribute to society or our existence. Personally I argue that art or creating  is a powerful tool to share any  sort of expressions. Being a creator or a artist is a way of life way of thinking as any other profession, but it doesn’t mean that the controversial preconceptions of an artist is what qualifies an artist, ie madness, provocative, intoxication, depression etc.

All artists are diverse they all function and produce in various ways and their mindsets are different.

I choose on of my top songs when I’m dry on ideas ”High For This”.

High means your intoxicated. The result of intoxication is euphoria and lowered social inhibitions. Which goes hand in hand when you are a creative state of mind. I argue that the symptoms of intoxication can be caused by the power of answers or solutions that we create. In a painting or in a book there is a an question that we want to answer or if it is a documentary, we wish for the audience to understand point of view to do so, we are in need of creating a story out of facts and deliver it as clear and authentic as possible. When we are in this process ,our minds are in hunger of each pivotal point that leads to the next answer in the story. ( Conclusion to all this is that an artist today 2014 in not in need of artificial intoxication, some might probably need it, but I think we should have more faith in our minds.)

I produced a mashup dance video with three incredible dancers to one of my favourite songs High For this by The Weeknd.

I used the new Arri lights, 3 cameras one 550 D and 2 5D’s.

Stay in tune for the result 🙂

March 23, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Script Meeting nr…


Script meeting with the Script writer. Breaking down the script and going through every detail and scene is not the easiest task to do.

March 16, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Post production of dark music video

We just wrapped up the final stages of post production of our music video, want to thank everyone involved in the project. As always a pleasure to work with new people as well as my own crew. The production time was quite short, almost a week of production.

vivien yue vivien yue